I’ve booked two events, Sunday August 23rd at Arlington Lanes and Saturday August 29 at Stardust Bowl. Both will be beat-the-board sweepers. Multiple cashing is possible. Two game squads at 12:00-1:30-3:00-4:30-6:00.
We will adhering to the Covid-19 protocols required by both centers. In addition we will be setting guidelines of our own. All members must wear a mask when entering check-in room and approaching the check-in table. When in line to check please maintain a six foot space cushion with other members.
Bowlers will be assigned to a block of four lanes. IE you will bowl game 1 on 1&2, game 2 on 3&4. A maximum of 5 bowlers will be assigned to a 4 lane block. A maximum of 25 bowlers per squad. After completing game 1 bowlers will wait until all lanes have completed game 1 before moving to the next pair. This will maintain an empty pair between bowlers at all times. Bowlers will will spread out the best they can during competion. It is recommended that bowlers wear their mask all the time during competition (except when making deliveries) but they are not required to be worn while in the bowlers area. If exiting the bowlers area for any reason, masks must be worn.
Spectators are permitted, but they are not allowed in the bowlers area and must wear masks at all times.
The areas in and around the settees will be sanitized prior to each squad. So after your squad has completed you are asked to gather your equipment and leave the area as quickly as you can to facilitate sanitizing.
Bowling centers in Illinois recently came to an agreement with the state to increase the number of people allowed in the centers at one time, thus enabling us to run events. Let show the state we appreciate their consent to expand by conducting ourselves in a safe and respectful manner. Wear your mask, keep social distance, and look out for each other. These are crazy times and may continue to be crazy for some time.
The sweeper format will have an interesting twist which be explained in the flyer which will be posted soon.
You will be allowed to reserve 1 squad per event and that reservation will be held up to 15 minutes prior to the squad time. You can reserve for either event by replying here or by PM. But walk-ins are always welcome.
Look for to seeing you on the 23rd!