Photos from Beverly Lanes, Mar. 3-4, 2012 (L-R) Classic finalists Dave Palojarvi Sr, Stephanie Halminiak, Rose Morrissey, James Cradduck, Don Koenig, Ron Harast Proprietor Lyle Zikes (L) presents 1st place check to Classic Champion Dave Palojarvi Sr while ABT Director Mike Fagan just remembered to jump in the picture. (L-R) Masters finalists Sheldon Mathis, Jim Peach, Mike Zanazaro, Frankie Jurczykowski, Don Czyznik, Rick Hara Proprietor Lyle Zikes (L) presents 1st place check to Masters Champion Don Czyznik while ABT Director Mike Fagan is amaZed at how many letter "Z"s were in the Masters last names.