Photos from Liberty Lanes, Oct. 29-30, 2011 (L-R) Classic finalists Keith Kryski, Josh Reyes, Dale Warfel, Vince Mayweather, Kena Gayles, Cathy Gober Center Rep. Kevin Grabowski (L) presents 1st place check to Classic Champion Dale Warfel while ABT Director Mike Fagan does a spot-on impression of ABT Volunteer Eric "Spud" Warfel (L-R) Masters finalists Sharon Klepacz, Lynn Koenen, Michael Zanazaro, Mike Martenson Sr, Don Czyznik, Phil Anderson Center Rep. Kevin Grabowski (L) presents 1st place check to Master Champion Don Czyznik while ABT Volunteer Eric "Spud" Warfel stands in for the missing Mike Fagan.