2016 BOY/GF

2016 Bowler of the Year/Grand Finals

During the upcoming year we will again be running a Bowler of the Year competition. There will be two parts to this competition: the Bowler of the Year and the Grand Finals. Points will be earned beginning December 1, 2015 through November 28, 2016.

The 2016 Grand Finals will be held during December with the date and location to be announced, most likely as part of a Mega Event. There will be 12 bowlers who will advance to the Grand Finals. Points earned for Bowler of the Year will also be used to determine Grand Finalists if you have paid $1 on your first main event singles entry. Finalists will be selected each quarter corresponding to the Mega Event qualification periods. The top 3 point getters each quarter will be invited to the Grand Finals. The dollars collected throughout the year will be used to fund the Grand Finalst prizes.


The 2016 points race is on! Click here to view the current standings. (PDF format)