Photos from Lakeside Lanes, June 20-21, 2009

(L-R) Classic finalists Joe Gorro, Herman Roebke, Pearl Crumpton, Cedric Crumpton, Rudy Castro, Dave Nekola
(L-R) Classic finalists Joe Gorro, Herman Roebke, Pearl Crumpton, Cedric Crumpton, Rudy Castro, Dave Nekola

Classic Champion  Joe Gorro (L) receives 1st place check from ABT Director Mike Fagan
Classic Champion Joe Gorro (L) receives 1st place check from ABT Director Mike Fagan
(L-R) Masters finalists Jim Kedroski, Don Czyznik, Mike Martenson Sr., Steve Morrissey, Eric Slusin, Hank Duncan
(L-R) Masters finalists Jim Kedroski, Don Czyznik, Mike Martenson Sr., Steve Morrissey, Eric Slusin, Hank Duncan
Masters Champion  Steve Morrissey (L) receives 1st place check from ABT Director Mike Fagan
Masters Champion Steve Morrissey (L) receives 1st place check from ABT Director Mike Fagan
(L-R) Youth Champion Shane Slusin,  ABT Director Mike Fagan, Youth Runner-up Joshua Reyes
(L-R) Youth Champion Shane Slusin, ABT Director Mike Fagan, Youth Runner-up Joshua Reyes
Mike, before haircut, expresses his displeasure.
"Mike, before haircut, expresses his displeasure."
Hey, it looks like Ken might actually know what hes doing
"Hey, it looks like Ken might actually know what he's doing"
Come on Ken, keep the hair outta my beer!
"Come on Ken, keep the hair outta my beer!"
After the haircut.  Looks like Ken might need a trim too
"After the haircut. Looks like Ken might need a trim too"
Hey, Mikey likes it!
"Hey, Mikey likes it!"
Uh-oh, this isnt going too well.
"Uh-oh, this isn't going too well."
Mom provided the final touches, looking good!
"Mom provided the final touches, looking good!"